EDUCAUSE Review: Print Edition
Volume 47, Number 5
September/October 2012

Technology and the Broken Higher Education Cost Model: Insights from the Delta Cost Project
Unless the use of technology—whether in instruction or in the operation of the institution—is guided by an understanding of higher education costs and cost structures, its use will not fix the problem of a broken higher education cost model.

Challenge and Change
Surviving—indeed, thriving—in the new era is not an issue of technology, even though technology has been a powerful driver of change. Ultimately, the issue for traditional higher education is one of culture.

E-Content: Opportunity and Risk
The sooner a campus establishes a process for supporting its community's exploration of different models of e-content, the sooner it will be able to help positively influence the e-content marketplace and also address the largest priorities of higher education today.

Home Page: From the President

Leadership: Views from the Top

E-Content: All Things Digital
The New Supply Chain and Its Implications for Books in Libraries

New Horizons: The Technologies Ahead
Unbundling and Unmooring: Technology and the Higher Ed Tsunami

Policy Matters: Campus Environment and Political Context