EDUCAUSE Exchange Podcast

One Question, Many Voices

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EDUCAUSE Exchange | An EDUCAUSE Review Podcast | Artwork with illustrations of people in conversation

Multiple voices from the higher ed IT community share advice, anecdotes, best practices, and more around topics critical to the profession. Written and directed by Gerry Bayne, Multimedia Producer, EDUCAUSE.

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Student Perspectives on Using AI

Episode 5 | December 14, 2023

In this episode, we hear from three students who use AI to help them with their coursework. They also share their thoughts about how AI may serve their careers once they graduate.

Tips for Creating Inclusive Learning Spaces

Episode 4 | December 7, 2023

Beyond implementing reactive changes, how can institutional leaders think about the ongoing effort to create inclusive learning environments? In this episode, we explore how designers can keep evolving their perspectives to help students and faculty feel comfortable to learn and engage.

Effective Faculty Development

Episode 3 | August 31, 2023

On this episode, we discuss ways of effectively reaching faculty and how best to facilitate a sharing of ideas about teaching with technology.

A Rubric for DEI Course Design, Part Two

Episode 2 | August 17, 2023

A community of educators created a rubric for designing courses that integrated the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility into the strategy. This episode will cover the second half of eight topics within the rubric.

A Rubric for DEI Course Design, Part One

Episode 1 | August 3, 2023

A working group of the University of California Instructional Design and Faculty Support (IDFS) community of practice has developed a DEI Course Redesign Rubric. This episode will introduce and cover the first four topics of the rubric. Read more about this topic in the article "A DEI Course Design Rubric: Supporting Teaching and Learning in Uncertain Times".

Season 2

The Top 3 IT Issues Transforming Higher Education

Episode 8 | December 3, 2021

The EDUCAUSE 2022 Top 10 IT Issues list was recently published. We asked several of the panelists to talk about how the top three issues on the list might transform higher education.

Pathways to Digital Transformation

Episode 7 | September 17, 2021

The gap will continue to widen between institutions that are starting to engage in digital transformation and those that have not. We asked five institutional leaders to share their unique projects that reflect a shift to Dx.

The Pitfalls of Analytics

Episode 6 | August 5, 2021

To deploy an analytics strategy effectively, institutions must avoid missteps at all phases of the project. We asked several IT leaders what stumbling blocks to consider when using analytics.

Cybersecurity as a Career Path

Episode 5 | June 3, 2021

Looking at cybersecurity as a career path can be intimidating, but many working in this field didn't start out with intentions to work in cybersecurity.

Student Voices

Episode 4 | April 20, 2021

Students speak about their academic experiences during the pandemic and how their institutions helped or hindered along the way. The students featured in this episode are part of the Every Learner Everywhere Intentional Futures Fellowship Program.

Techniques for Student Engagement

Episode 3 | March 31, 2021

What are some of the techniques and tools being used to engage students? A variety of instructors and technologists discuss their approaches to keeping students invested in their courses.

Privacy Perspectives

Episode 2 | February 12, 2021

What are privacy officers talking about when they talk about privacy? And why is it important?

Pandemic Lessons for Course Design

Episode 1 | January 13, 2021

The lessons learned from last year's move to remote teaching can help instructors create better engagement with students in 2021.

Season 1

Correcting Career Missteps

Episode 6 | November 11, 2020

We can’t always make the right choices on our career path, but if we learn from our mistakes, we have a much better chance at future success. In this episode, we ask higher ed IT leaders, what was your biggest career misstep and how did you course correct?

The Impact of AI on Accessibility

Episode 5 | November 4, 2020

Students with disabilities are a vulnerable population in higher education. And the emergency move to remote instruction in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the vulnerability of this population into stark relief. One of the technologies that is being explored to help improve and create tools for a more accessible learning environment is artificial intelligence.

What Inspires You?

Episode 4 | October 28, 2020

Inspiration, motivation, and admiration are all qualities that either help us get to the next step in our career or our personal lives or simply help us get the morning started.

Using Data and Analytics for Student Success

Episode 3 | October 21, 2020

One of the most powerful tools that technology provides on the path to student success is data and analytics. Data allows institutions to better understand students, rethink systems, and create early-alert mechanisms to help students complete their degree. But finding the best way to use data and analytics can be tricky.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as an IT Issue

Episode 2 | October 14, 2020

Our institutions are best served by a community that more closely reflects the demographic diversity of the students we serve. Research demonstrates that diverse communities are more resilient, more creative, and more effective.

The Ethics Around Learning Analytics

Episode 1 | October 7, 2020

Learning technologies, especially those relying on data analytics, are exciting but also present ethical challenges that deserve our attention and action.