Pathway to Possibility: A Framework is Renovated and Refined

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Last September, Next Generation Learning Challenges published a white paper laying out our perspective on what next generation learning is and what it requires. The six dimensions of the framework were built out of observations of the work of NGLC grantees and a scan of the field. Since then, we have been collecting comments, feedback, and suggestions for making the framework “work” for a broad audience, so that it may serve as a guidepost for those who are planning and designing technology-enabled next generation learning—including those applying to NGLC’s currently open Wave IV grant competition. We asked the EDUCAUSE community and others involved in this work, “What will it take for next generation learning to help more students attain better outcomes more affordably?”

Today, I’m pleased to share that NGLC has released a revised version of the white paper taking all of that valuable feedback into account.


Graphic: six dimensions of next generation learning


In general, the six dimensions of the framework resonated with members of the community, but we received several important recommendations about its presentation and utility. What are some of the improvements you will find in this new version?

  • A new graphic that visually represents the framework’s six dimensions and how they relate to each other
  • A polished set of required elements within the six dimensions
  • Stronger delineation of the interdependence of the six dimensions of the framework
  • Improved practice examples that demonstrate the implication of a grantee’s work in one dimension on other dimensions of the framework
  • References to tools that innovators might use to make the tenets of the framework come to life
  • Commentary from leaders within NGLC’s partner organizations about how their membership might make use of the framework


We continue to welcome feedback because we know that in a rapidly changing field like this one, we will continue to learn more about what next generation learning requires. A foundational framework like this one must keep pace to stay relevant. Feel free to contact me, [email protected]. We also welcome ongoing feedback at [email protected]

So, read the revised white paper and tell us what you think.


Note: A version of this post originally appeared on the NGLC blog at