EDUCAUSE Review: Print Edition, Volume 49, Number 4, July/August 2014

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The IT Service Organization for a Post-Enterprise World

The technology-service marketplace is increasingly focused either below the enterprise (on the consumer) or above the enterprise (on the cloud). In the space between the consumer and the cloud, the post-enterprise IT organization can make key contributions, channeling technical possibilities in service to the institutional mission.


We Built, We Bought, We Shared:
The Costs of Administrative Service Systems vs. the Academic Mission

Higher education institutions need to minimize the costs of administrative systems in order to invest in their core missions. Here, seasoned CIOs talk candidly about three strategies: building-your-own in the modern era; buying and implementing in smarter ways; and joining a higher education consortium that shares processes and software.


Advancing Without New Resources

The expectations for IT services in higher education will not lessen, and the rate of change will not decelerate. How can the IT organization address these demands without new resources? By making a list of the top-ten things it wants to accomplish and a list of the top-ten ways it might find resources to accomplish those things.

