EDUCAUSE Quarterly Magazine, Volume 32, Number 3, 2009 Published: Thursday, October 29, 2009 min read Greening Technology in U.K. Higher Education by Rob Bristow with Mark Samuels Green Desktop Computing at the University of Oxford by Howard Noble, Daniel Curtis, and Kang Tang Powering Down From the Bottom Up: Greener Client Computing by Tom O’Donnell Bottom Up and Top Down: Making IT a Key Part of the Campus Sustainability Effort by Dennis Cromwell, Kristin Hanks, and Sarah Engel Green IT Best Practices at the University of Michigan by MaryBeth Stuenkel Sustainable Technology at WPI by Jon Bartelson Renewed Innovation: IT’s Role in the Sustainability Efforts of Lourdes College by LeRoy Butler Three Approaches to Green Computing on Campus by John T. Thompson Asset Management and Sustainability at the University of Richmond by Wendy Burchard Video Tutorials: A Sustainable Method for Campus Technology Training by John Bowers, Julie Dent, and Kathleen Barnes Opening the Door for IT Leadership Opportunities: New Voices from the Field Who Pays Student Workers Higher Wages, Central IT or Distributed IT? Project Blackbird: Deploying Condor in a Blackboard Environment IT Sustainability Resources Considerations for Career Development Guest Editorial Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.