The CIO Minute: Silos of Data and Privacy [video]

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Breaking down silos can help with any privacy initiative by addressing the various ways different departments will be using the same data.

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When taking on a privacy initiative or implementing new privacy policies the first thing a CIO or a CSO or CPO, depending on who's leading this effort, needs to do, is break down silos. Your data is going to be housed in a variety of different places, there's probably going to be a variety of different systems using it, there might be different levels of sensitivity. Whether it's in admissions, or the registrar, or financial aid, or any other of the variety of departments that have student information, building those connections insures that when you do develop a privacy policy, one; you know what your departments are and are not capable of, two, you know that they've bought in, that they want to do this and that they're going to help you succeed. That they'll continue to provide training and updating materials, which is so important.