The CIO Minute: Expand Your Meaning of Diversity [video]

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When we think about diversity, it's important to expand our categories of inclusion.

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I see the diversity of IT staff way broader than black and white or different ethnic backgrounds. I see gender. I see women. I see different groups. I see different, even, ability. I mean, I had a staff who was visually impaired, but he added to the mix so I see that, too, as part of the diverse group.

I expand that also to include diverse educational backgrounds. The role changed a lot. We need the humanities in, we need the students who will major in journalism in—we need to broaden that spectrum—it shouldn't always be about students with a computer science degree or information. Those are great, we need those, but what I'm saying, our role really changed. We need students with social science skills. That's what I define of diversity and because the role changed and what we do changed, it's way beyond our traditional hiring practice or the diversity in general.