Five Tips for Enterprise Media Management
Many institutions don't know where to begin or how to roll out a comprehensive media management and delivery strategy. These five essential guidelines show the way.
Lessons learned from those using and managing technology in higher education
Many institutions don't know where to begin or how to roll out a comprehensive media management and delivery strategy. These five essential guidelines show the way.
Adult education professionals can lay the foundation for next-generation education and lead the way in the next disruption of an entire business sector by encouraging radical innovations in edtech.
To prepare for the connectivity and bandwidth demands of the growing Internet of Things, higher education institutions should consider replacing legacy copper-based local-area networks with passive optical LANs.
An experiment in teaching English as a second language online garnered significant benefits for the students, who participated more actively and showed improved acquisition of the content and multiple skills along the way.
People talk about the risks of having Pokmon Go players on their campuses. What about the benefits? Outreach to the community, at a minimum, and bringing potential students to campus can outweigh any concerns.
Middle-skill jobs require a specialized skillset best learned by doing. Offering a variety of learning materials and simulations of real-life work situations provides experiential learning that can prepare students for those careers.
Proactive steps can help limit the security risk posed by contingent workers, who are more prevalent than ever in higher education. Contingent users must be handled as rigorously as regular, full-time users.
The competency-based education model at Brandman University succeeds largely because of its student-support model, provided by tutorial faculty and academic coaches.
An attempt to introduce computer-mediated adaptive learning on a campus that prioritizes face-to-face learning encountered intractable obstacles. For now.
In institutional core data, a course boils down to one data point per learner: the grade. In course management systems, a course easily produces five orders of magnitude more data points per learner. Do we really need two worlds of learning analytics?