This post includes articles on the larger role CIOs are taking in their organizations, a new technology platform designed to assist students in applying what they’ve learned, a National Science Foundation grant awarded to support cybersecurity efforts, and the challenges facing colleges in cloud infrastructure adoption.
With our "Interesting Policy Reads" blog posts, the EDUCAUSE Policy Office highlights recent articles on federal policy issues and developments that are directly relevant to members or provide insights on higher education policy in general.
- IT's Growing Importance Carries CIO Role to New Heights, The Wall Street Journal, June 21, 2018.(As technology advances in data and digital capabilities become increasingly important to business models, many CIOs are seeing their professional roles expand.)
- Hands-on learning is a necessary part of college, but here's what it doesn't teach students, The Washington Post, June 22, 2018. (Northeastern University has developed a program called Self-Authored Integrated Learning [SAIL], a technology platform to assist students in aligning learning experiences across school and the workplace.)
- Lessons Learned From a Consortium That Fizzled, Inside Higher Ed, June 27, 2018. (Leaders from Davidson College, Colgate University, Hamilton College, and Wellesley College reflect on their once shared consortium organized to establish collaboration around massive open online courses.)
- Senate panel approves Dem nominee for FCC, The Hill, June 27, 2018. (On June 27, the Senate Commerce Committee approved Geoffrey Starks to serve on the FCC, sending his nomination to the full Senate for a vote.)
- College Transparency Act Builds Momentum, Inside Higher Ed, July 2, 2018. (Proponents of the College Transparency Act—legislation that would lift the ban on federal postsecondary student-level data—are encouraged that the second-ranking Republican Senator, John Cornyn, has decided to cosponsor the bill.)
- With $1 million grant, Howard looks to help fix cybersecurity concerns, The Washington Post, June 29, 2018. (Howard University has received a $1 million grant from the NSF to fund a research project aimed at securing "cyber-physical" systems.)
- Reaching for the Cloud, Inside Higher Ed, July 5, 2018. (While many institutions of higher education are utilizing the cloud in one way or another, relatively few institutions have made the shift to cloud-based infrastructure and platforms, citing high setup costs.)
- California's net neutrality bill is back, and as tough as ever, The Washington Post, July 5, 2018. (Two weeks after California state assembly members voted to water down net neutrality legislation, lawmakers from the assembly and senate have reached an agreement restoring many of the previously stripped provisions.)
Kathryn Branson is an associate with Ulman Public Policy.
© 2018 Kathryn Branson. The text of this work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License.