With our "Interesting Reads" blog posts, the EDUCAUSE Policy Office highlights recent articles on federal policy issues and developments that are directly relevant to members or provide insights on higher education policy in general.
- "Introducing the NICE Strategic Plan," NICE eNewsletter, April 14, 2016. (Cybersecurity education and workforce development)
- "New Electronic Privacy Measure Faces Senate Hurdles," Morning Consult, April 13, 2016. (Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) reform)
- "Students Were Mad Their College Banned Yik Yak. So They Went on Yik Yak." The Chronicle of Higher Education, April 11, 2016. (Social media use and abuse)
- "U.S. Department of Commerce Seeks Comment on Potential Policy Issues Related to Internet of Things," [https://www.commerce.gov/news/press-releases/2016/04/us-department-commerce-seeks-comment-potential-policy-issues-related] U.S. Department of Commerce (press release), April 5, 2016. (Factors supporting or inhibiting Internet of Things (IoT) innovation)
- "Coalition of Artists, Music Groups Call for US Congress to Reform Digital Millennium Copyright Act," Tech Times, April 4, 2016. (Content industry views on potential DMCA reform)
- "Breaking News on 'Teacher Prep' Regulations for Distance Education," WCET Frontiers (blog), April 1, 2016. (Distance education regulation)
- "House Hearing Addresses States' Work to Safeguard Student Data," Government Technology, March 31, 2016. (K-12 student data privacy, higher ed. implications)
- "In Response to Opposition of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements," WCET Frontiers (blog), March 29, 2016. (Distance education regulation)
EDUCAUSE Policy tracks and analyzes the issues likely to have the greatest impact on higher education IT and works with members to inform public and campus policy development.