When theorizing about — and anticipating — the future of higher education, what matters most? People, technology, finances, new approaches to pedagogy? As the authors in this special issue of EQ have concluded, just about everything matters, although to differing degrees. They share their hopes for and worries about higher education moving deeper into the 21st century in a collection of thoughtful essays and practical articles. The authors featured in this issue initiated and lead projects that provide exciting new models for higher education, whether attempting to solve troublesome existing problems or offering innovative new visions of education, research, collaboration, and openness.
Joining our authors in exploring the future of higher education are three new columnists for 2010:
- Lev Gonick on the Future of Higher Education
- Shelton Waggener on Cloud Computing
- Linda Deneen on Learning Environments and Student Engagement
In addition, this issue of EQ aligns with the first two 2010 issues of EDUCAUSE Review, whose authors provide a strategic view of the future of higher education, starting with innovation in the 21st-century university.
Coming up in 2010 are special issues on cloud computing, learning environments, and student retention. If you have ideas to share on these or other topics relevant to IT practitioners in higher education, I am happy to talk through the options with you, whether peer-reviewed feature articles or thoughtful opinion pieces. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] to discuss your ideas. Suggestions for topics or ways to improve EQ are always welcome, as are volunteers to join the EQ Review Committee. Whether you would like to publish your work here, help review submissions for value to your peers, or comment on published articles to start conversations in the community, your participation is welcomed and appreciated.
Now, into the future!