Four students—representing Baby Boomers, Generation-Xers, and Millennials—discuss the use of technology in teaching and learning, the role of professors and the adoption of technology by professors, the importance of technology for social networking, and the need for more university-provided technology services.
Two graduate students share their perspectives, gained from their experiences on both sides of the lectern, about how various technologies can be used successfully in classroom settings to improve learning through connectivity.
To bridge the technology cultural gap between many faculty and administrators and the youngest generation of college students, a recent graduate reveals what being a "Net Gener" really means and how that can translate to the classroom.
Among the various types of students, one group is quickly becoming the majority and presents the top challenge for educators today.
Understanding learners, learning principles, and learning technologies is necessary for institutions with a goal of using IT to improve learning. Helping institutions to do so—and thus to advance learning through IT innovation—is the goal of the ELI.
IT Myths
New Horizons
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AMX, http://www.amx.com/edu
AT&T, http://www.youratt.com/edu
Blackbaud, http://www.blackbaud.com
Campus Management (an EDUCAUSE Gold Partner), http://www.campusmgmt.com/
CDW-G (an EDUCAUSE Gold Partner), http://www.cdwg.com
Computer Comforts (an EDUCAUSE Bronze Partner), http://www.computercomforts.com
Cornelius & Associates, http://www.collegiateproject.com
Crestron Electronics, http://www.crestron.com
Datatel (an EDUCAUSE Platinum Partner), http://www.datatel.com
Dell (an EDUCAUSE Gold Partner), http://www.dell.com/hied/review
Desire2Learn, http://www.desire2learn.com
eCollege.com (an EDUCAUSE Bronze Partner), http://www.ecollege.com
Enterasys Networks, http://www.enterasys.com/solutions/verticals/education/
Event Management Systems (an EDUCAUSE Bronze Partner), http://www.dea.com
Extron Electronics (an EDUCAUSE Bronze Partner), http://www.extron.com/dg13
Ferrilli Information Group, http://www.figsolutions.com/
Jenzabar (an EDUCAUSE Gold Partner), http://www.jenzabar.net
McAfee, http://www.mcafee.com/enterprise
PaperThin, http://www.paperthin.com
PeopleCube, http://www.peoplecube.com
SAP (an EDUCAUSE Gold Partner), http://www.sapkpi.com/higheredkc/#
SAS Institute, http://www.sas.com/samepage
SP Controls (an EDUCAUSE Bronze Partner), http://www.spcontrols.com/
Sungard Higher Education (an EDUCAUSE Platinum Partner), http://www.sungardhe.com/
Timecruiser Computing, http://www.campuscruiser.com/
Unicon, http://www.unicon.net
VBrick Systems (an EDUCAUSE Bronze Partner), http://www.vbrick.com/
WebAssign, http://www.webassign.net
WTC (an EDUCAUSE Bronze Partner), http://www.wtc-inc.net
Xythos Software (an EDUCAUSE Bronze Partner), http://www.xythos.com