Sidebar of Figures Illustrating the University System of Georgia's Learning Objects Project

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Sidebar of Figures Illustrating the University System of Georgia’s Learning Objects Project

Figures 1, 2, and 3: Browsing Topics and Selecting and Viewing Learning Objects by Learning Objective

Faculty come to the faculty portal, click on a topic, and find a set of learning objectives as well as learning objects that fulfill them. For example, they can navigate to a subject, (Precalculus, Figure 1); choose a topic, (Polynomial Functions, Figure 2); select a learning objective (Recognize a function as a Polynomial Function, Figure 3); and view all content, including text and media, that addresses that learning objective.

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Figure 4: Downloading Learning Objects

To download a learning object, faculty use the course management software’s assignment tool and point and click as if they were students downloading an assignment. Prompted by Windows, they save the object to their hard drives or a new course area.

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Figure 5: Multimedia Learning Objects

The Vista Media Library tool is used to organize media objects for browsing individually rather than only in context in the course content. Items must be downloaded from the Assignments tool; therefore links to both the Media Library and the Assignments tool are stored together in an Organizer page in Vista.

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Figure 6: Browsing Multimedia Objects

Faculty can browse the available media objects, read a description of each item, and preview them from within the Media Library.

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Figure 7: Downloading Learning Objects

To download a multimedia learning object listed in the Media Library, faculty use the course management software’s assignment tool. Faculty simply point and click as if they were students downloading an assignment. Prompted by Windows, they save the object to their hard drives or a new course area.

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