Privacy Notice

Updated: January 26, 2024


EDUCAUSE is committed to informing its membership and the general public about news, services, and professional learning opportunities to advance higher education through information technology. We are committed to maintaining your trust by protecting your personal data and, to the extent possible, ensuring that your personal data is secure.

This Privacy Notice explains how we collect, use, share, and protect personal data. It also describes the choices available to you regarding the use of your personal data. Please read this Privacy Notice carefully to understand our policies. If you do not agree with the data practices described in this Privacy Notice, we advise you not to use our website or services. Note: EDUCAUSE website, services, and apps are not intended for use by or designed for children under 13, and we do not knowingly or intentionally collect information about children under 13.

We recognize that information privacy is an ongoing responsibility and therefore will update this Privacy Notice from time to time as we undertake new personal data practices or adopt new privacy policies. We reserve the right to amend the Privacy Notice at any time, for any reason, without notice to you, other than the posting of the amended Privacy Notice at this site. We may email periodic reminders of our notices and will email members and all active records in our database of material changes, but you should check our website frequently to see the current Privacy Notice that is in effect. To help us communicate with you, you are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date, active, and deliverable email address for you.

What is personal data?

EDUCAUSE acknowledges that there are many potential definitions of "personal data." Our definition of personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable person, which can include direct identifiers, such as name, address, email address, and national identification numbers, or indirect identifiers such as location data or IP address. This list of data elements is not exhaustive, and we consider the definition of personal data in the broadest possible context.

EDUCAUSE collects and uses information that, alone or in combination with other information, could be used to identify you ("personal data") in order to deliver our programs and services and inform you of various resources related to higher education IT, as described in "How We Collect and Use (Process) Data" below. This data is collected in various online forms and throughout our business relationship.

How We Collect and Use Data

We collect and use personal data to ensure we provide you with information about news, services, community collaboration, and professional learning opportunities that advance higher education through information technology.

The information we hold enables us to engage in basic communication with you, helps us to enhance your experiences on our website, and allows us to improve our programs and services and the efficacy of our communications with you. EDUCAUSE and its service providers (such as event contractors) collect and use the following types of information:

Personal information you provide to us in your profile and other engagements

  • When you become a member or engage with EDUCAUSE by creating a profile, we collect personal data about you, including (but not limited to) your name, title, employer's name, work address, email address, phone number, and demographics such as number of years in higher education and professional interests. We ask you to voluntarily provide additional information related to age, gender, ethnicity, and other demographics, which is used to help us better understand and better advance the diversity of our community. You may edit your profile at any time to change or remove personal data, or you may choose to delete your profile.
  • We process your personal data for member and nonmember administration, to deliver member benefits to you, and to inform you of EDUCAUSE-related events, content, and other benefits or opportunities related to higher education IT. We may also use this information to help us understand our members' needs and interests to better tailor our programs and services.
  • We may use your information to personalize your experience through recommendations on our website or in email, apps, or other service platforms to provide you with more relevant information.
  • We may use your information to reply to communications you send us.
  • We may use your basic personal data from your profile to automatically fill out transactional forms with your personal data to save you time and effort.
  • We use your information to communicate essential information about transactions, such as an electronic receipt for a purchase or a confirmation of a conference registration.
  • We may inform you about EDUCAUSE events, programs, and services of potential interest, unless you have opted out of such communications (see "Communication" below).
  • We include your name, your organization's name and state, your contact information, and your photo in the EDUCAUSE Member Directory to facilitate networking, unless you opt to exclude your contact information.
  • We retain information about your transactional history and engagements, such as participation in events, webinars, volunteering, presenting at conferences, and publication downloads to understand program and service use.
  • If your employer is an EDUCAUSE member organization, the primary representative and/or roster manager for your organization may sign you up as a member representative by providing your name, title, and email address to receive information and access to EDUCAUSE benefits. You may opt out of these communications and benefits at any time by unsubscribing from email and/or contacting us to remove your profile.
  • If you work for an organization that is not an EDUCAUSE member, the primary representative and/or the roster manager for your organization may sign you up as a representative by providing your name, title, and email address. You may opt out of any communications by unsubscribing from email and/or contacting us to remove your profile.
  • If you volunteer for a working group or committee, your name, title, organization name, and optional photo may be placed on the committee's web page and materials produced by the group. You may request to be excluded from these listings.
  • If you voluntarily participate in an EDUCAUSE survey, interview, or focus group to research a matter related to higher education IT or to gauge your satisfaction with EDUCAUSE services, the information you provide is used in aggregate, unless otherwise noted, when producing research findings and reports, and to inform improvements to our programs and services.
  • If you apply to be featured in a CourseGateway Spotlight, you agree to complete the related Smartsheet application form where we collect your name, email address, job title, desired spotlight type (Faculty, University, or Vendor/Product), answers to experience-related questions, and an image you upload. If your submission is selected to be featured in a CourseGateway spotlight, your data will be used to highlight your responses in a blog post, newsletter article, social media post, or on the CourseGateway website.

Publications and resource use

  • EDUCAUSE produces various publications, reports, and educational materials, which are linked on our website. Much of our content is open access, however, some material requires membership or a profile login for access. We use web analytics tools and login information to track how often people gain access to or read our content. This information is used to help us understand what content is most useful for our members.

Online community participation

  • EDUCAUSE offers community groups—member-led, online discussion communities formed around shared interests—for collaboration and networking purposes. These groups are open to all EDUCAUSE members. Full terms and conditions for our Connect platform is available here:

In-person and online events

  • EDUCAUSE hosts many events throughout the year. These include in-person conferences like the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, as well as live online trainings, webinars, or online conferences (collectively referred to as "events"). If you register for one of our events, an EDUCAUSE profile is required (regardless of your membership status), and we will access this data to provide you with information and services associated with the event. In addition, during the registration process, we collect voluntarily-shared personal data regarding accessibility and dietary requests.
  • If you are a presenter at one of our events, we will collect information about you including your name, employer, and contact information. We may also collect information provided by event attendees who evaluated your presentation and associate it with your record in our database. In certain instances and with your approval, we will make and store a recording of your voice and likeness.
  • If you submit a proposal to present at an EDUCAUSE event, we will collect information about you and your co-presenters (if relevant) including name, employer, contact information, proposed abstract, and other information associated with your proposed session.
  • If you evaluate proposals for an EDUCAUSE event, we will collect information about you including your name, employer, contact information, and your evaluations of the assigned proposals.
  • If you are a participant in particular EDUCAUSE events (e.g., webinar or preconference workshop) we may share basic registration information, including your name, title, institution name, and email with the designated presenter(s) and attendees for the sole purpose of planning for the event, tailoring presentations, communication related to group assignments, and follow-up.
  • We keep a record of your participation in EDUCAUSE events as an attendee or presenter, which may be used to provide you with information about other relevant EDUCAUSE products and services, or to help us better understand your interests and tailor our offerings to meet your needs.
  • In association with attending particular conferences of ours, you will have the option to download the EDUCAUSE Conference and Events mobile app to help you navigate the conference and plan your schedule. The mobile app may require the device identifier associated with your device but does not require the collection or use any other personal data—outside of what you choose to provide as part of your participant profile.
  • As a participant, to facilitate networking with colleagues, we include your name, title, and organization in the event registration list, unless you opt out of sharing this information in the registration process. This list is only accessible by registered participants.
  • We are committed to connecting solution seekers with solution providers. Some of our events are sponsored or organized with partner organizations. Provided you opt in to corporate sponsor and partner communications during the registration process, we may share your name, title, organization/institution name, phone number, email address, and postal mail address with corporate sponsors and partners of EDUCAUSE events. "Opting in" could also include but is not limited to session attendance, sponsored activities, exhibit hall booth visits, "matchmaking" and networking activities. We value your privacy and do not share your personal contact information without your consent.
  • We may provide you with a badge containing a bar code at certain EDUCAUSE and affiliate conferences that contains your basic personal information. This badge allows you to pass on this information to exhibitors from whom you would like to receive more information. By allowing a conference exhibitor to swipe that badge, you give the exhibitor your name and contact information, including email address. For virtual conferences, your contact information will be shared with an exhibitor upon engaging with their content.
  • For some events, EDUCAUSE may offer targeted, interest-specific networking services through a specific platform. Information provided by attendees in the networking platform helps us refine our events and make future programming improvements by allowing us to provide content tailored to the needs of attendees. EDUCAUSE and our networking services vendor have access to this information. Aggregate data, unless otherwise defined during the event registration process, is shared with EDUCAUSE staff for planning purposes. Use of networking services is not mandatory and to participate you must create a profile through the platform.

Visiting the EDUCAUSE website and automatically collected data

  • As is common practice on most websites, EDUCAUSE collects certain information automatically on our website. As you interact on our website, we may collect information about your computer or device and visits to our website ("automatically collected data") through cookies, Internet Protocol (IP) address tracking/URL tracking, and other tools (collectively referred to as "tracking technologies"). The types of automatically collected data on our website through the use of these and other tools include: the search terms you use, new or returning user information, browser information, computer or device type, operating system, internet service provider, website usage, referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, number of clicks, and ads viewed. We may use your website usage in conjunction with profile and registration form information to help us understand how our website and services are being used. We may use information about your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, analyze trends, track visitor engagements, and gather information that assists us in identifying visitor preferences. We also may use your IP address to enhance our security and investigate an actual or potential security incident. For EU data subjects, this use of your information is necessary for our legitimate interests in understanding how our website and our services are being used by you, to improve your experience on it, and to ensure network and information security.
  • Find out more about how we use cookies to allow customization and to collect web metrics.
  • Please note that the EDUCAUSE website offers some links to external sites, to which these privacy practices do not apply. We make no promises regarding the policies or business practices of these other websites.

Your correspondence with EDUCAUSE

  • If you correspond with us by email, the postal service, or other form of communication, we may retain such correspondence and the information contained in it and use it to respond to your inquiry; to notify you of EDUCAUSE conferences, publications, or other services; or to keep a record of your complaint, accommodation request, and the like. As always, if you wish to have EDUCAUSE "erase" your personal data or otherwise refrain from communicating with you, please contact us at [email protected]. (Note: If you ask EDUCAUSE not to contact you by email at a certain email address, EDUCAUSE will retain a copy of that email address on its "master do not send" list in order to comply with your no-contact request.)

Purposes for processing your data

  • As explained above, EDUCAUSE processes your data to provide you with the programs or services you have requested or purchased from us, including membership services, events, publications and other content, and professional learning. Additionally, we use your information to refine our programs and services to better tailor them to your needs and to communicate with you about other services EDUCAUSE offers that may assist you in your career or otherwise help you do your job. We also strive to facilitate communication among colleagues in the higher education IT community. To these ends, we collect and maintain data about our members and constituents to enable us to communicate with them, share information relevant to them, and allow them to communicate with each other.
  • EDUCAUSE reserves the right to use the personal data that it collects to identify the source of any inappropriate use of information resources managed by the association, including but not limited to, offensive or illegal postings to online discussion lists, collaboration sites, and other communication vehicles; denial-of-service actions; unauthorized use of online services and network infrastructure; misuse or unauthorized use of the EDUCAUSE name, logo, or other representations of the association; and to protect the personal safety and privacy of our employees and service providers, members, online users, and the public under the policies and practices described in this Privacy Notice.

Payment card information

  • You may choose to purchase goods or services from EDUCAUSE using a payment card. Typically, payment card information is provided directly by users, via the EDUCAUSE website, into the PCI/DSS-compliant payment processing service to which EDUCAUSE subscribes, and EDUCAUSE does not, itself, process or store the card information.

What happens if you don't provide us your personal data

  • You can enjoy many EDUCAUSE services without giving us your personal data. Some information on our website is open access and does not require a profile. Minimal data is required to participate in a constituent group. However, some personal data is necessary for EDUCAUSE to supply you with services you have purchased or requested and to authenticate membership access.


We may contact you by the email, postal mail address, or phone number that you have on file with us for business purposes.

We send transactional emails to individuals with whom we have a business relationship; these emails regard a service you purchased or requested, and you may not opt-out of these emails.

We send marketing emails and, occasionally, postal mail, which contain promotional material about our programs, resources, and services, and you may opt out of these communications. These emails provide valuable information about events, resources on higher education IT, or new services that can help you. Where required by the applicable law (for example, if you are an EU data subject or reside in Canada), we will send you marketing information or notifications only with your consent, which is given at the time you provide us with your personal data. In such case, if you do not provide us with your consent to the processing of your personal data for this purpose, we will not send you this information. You may unsubscribe or remove your consent at any time by using the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of our emails, changing your communications preferences by logging in to your profile, or contacting us using the contact information below.

If there is a concern regarding your personal data, we will contact you when required to do so by law. To do this, we will use the email address on file for you.

If for any reason you think there is a problem regarding communications to you, please let us know by contacting [email protected].

Third-Party Sharing

General Sharing

We do not share your personal data with third parties outside EDUCAUSE-authorized subprocessors, event partners, or any other exception noted below.


We share your personal data with third parties that provide certain services to us to assist us in meeting business operation needs. These parties are authorized to process your personal data, on our behalf and pursuant to our instructions, only as necessary to provide these services to us. We use third-party service providers, including:

  • Customer relationship management provider to help with management of business-related data
  • Email hosting services to send email
  • Event registration and presenter proposal submission service providers
  • Exhibitor management platform
  • Career center job board provider
  • Discussion platform provider to manage online forums
  • Providers of research and analytics services, including Google Analytics
  • Marketing service providers
  • Billing and credit card merchant systems to process payments
  • Providers of cloud computing infrastructure services

These providers are authorized by EDUCAUSE for our business operation needs; however, we make no promises regarding the policies or business practices of third parties and encourage you to familiarize yourself with their privacy policies before providing them with your personal data.

  • We may disclose your personal data to our agents or subprocessors for the purposes identified above. In such cases, the agent or subprocessors will be obligated to use that personal data in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Notice.
  • We will not sell, distribute, or lease your personal data to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so.
  • We may disclose your personal data without your permission to the extent that it is required to do so by United States, European Union, or national law, in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings, and in order to establish, exercise, or defend EDUCAUSE's legal rights.

Event Subprocessors

In addition to the ways we collect and use data outlined above, below are some specific ways your event participation data may be shared with third parties to enhance your attendee experience:

  • Participant List - for those who have opted in, name, title, and organization will be included on the participant list that is available to registered attendees for the purpose of facilitating connections.
  • Attendee Networking List - for those who have opted in, name, title, and organization will be included on the online event platform (if applicable) or other digital application for the purpose of attendee networking.
  • Lead Retrieval List - for those who have opted in, contact information will be shared with corporate supporters of this event for the purpose of connecting solution seekers with solution providers.
  • Full Registration List - regardless of opt-in, name, title, organization, and email may be shared between EDUCAUSE and event co-sponsors, partners, and other collaborators for the purposes of event planning, logistics, and other explicit business needs.

What Other Exceptions Are There?

Individual EDUCAUSE services (such as the Career Center, Analytics Services Portal, .edu Administration) may have their own privacy notices with further information about how they use your personal data. You are responsible for reading these policies upon engaging with these optional EDUCAUSE services; if you do not consent to these additional policies, you should not use the optional service.

Institutionally Identifiable Data

Institutionally identifiable data collected in the EDUCAUSE Core Data Service (and associated benchmarking services), collected through the Analytics Services Portal, and collected and generated by the EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research are governed by the Analytics Services License Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy.

EDUCAUSE and its service providers release institutionally identifiable information to third parties only when presented with valid subpoenas or other valid, legal requests and in compliance with other applicable laws. EDUCAUSE will not provide any institutionally identifiable information, other than information that is publicly available, without a legal obligation to do so.

Data Subject Rights: Your Choice

Access to Personal Data

Upon request, we will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal data. You have the right to access the personal data we have about you, and you may request that it be corrected, amended, not processed, or deleted by emailing [email protected] with the subject of "Access Request." We require all our requests to be in writing. We will respond to your access request within a reasonable time, under 30 days. We may require additional information from you to allow us to confirm your identity or find your personal data.

If you believe that any personal data we are holding on you is incorrect, incomplete, or shouldn't be processed, please contact us as soon as possible, at the contact information below, and we will promptly take the appropriate action.

Withdrawing Your Consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent for any marketing material. To do this, you may send an email to [email protected], click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails, or change your preferences within your profile.

Automated Processing

We will not use your personal data for decisions based solely on automated processing if the decision produces legal effects concerning you or significantly affects you, unless you gave your explicit consent for this processing.


We are committed to ensuring that your personal data is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard and secure the personal data we process. No system is 100% secure, and therefore we can't provide assurance with 100% certainty that your personal data will be secure. Be mindful that you are responsible for protecting your username and password and that it is not to be shared with others. If, despite all our efforts, a data breach does occur, we will do everything in our power to limit the damage. In case of a personal data breach, and in accordance with state and federal laws, we will inform you about remedial actions that we are undertaking and that you should take to prevent any further damage. We will always inform the relevant data owner/controller and supervisory authority or authorities without undue delay.

Data retention

We will not store your personal data longer than necessary for the purpose for which we have processed your personal data. How long we retain your personal data depends on the type of data and the purpose for which we process it.

Changes to our Privacy Notice

It is our policy to post any changes we make to our Privacy Notice on this page. In some cases, we provide additional notice of changes. If we make material changes to how we treat your personal data, we will notify you by email to the email address specified in your account and/or through a notice on the website. The date the Privacy Notice was last revised is listed at the top of this page. EDUCAUSE may change this Privacy Notice from time to time by updating this page.

Questions, Concerns, or Complaints

If you have a question about or complaint with how you believe we have handled a request under this Privacy Notice (including subject "Access Request"), please let us know, and we will work to fix it. You can email us at [email protected] or call 303-449-4430.

Further information

If you have any questions about this privacy notice or questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data by EDUCAUSE, please contact us at:

4845 Pearl East Cir Ste 118 PMB 43761
Boulder, CO 80301-6112
[email protected]


This Privacy Notice was revised on the date noted at the top of this document regarding the type of information shared with corporate partners of EDUCAUSE events for individuals who interact with their virtual exhibition or content.

How Can You Change How EDUCAUSE Uses Your Information?

Balanced with our goal of sharing information with our constituents is our commitment to respecting preferences for how our constituents' personal information will be used. Here are the various ways to control the use of your information. (Note: Primary Representatives of member institutions, by virtue of the responsibilities they agree to in taking on this role, may not remove themselves from listing in the Member Directory or from transactional messages.)

Changing email and directory listing preferences

Log in to your EDUCAUSE profile to change your:

  • Promotional communications preferences
  • Listing status in the EDUCAUSE Member Directory

You can create a personal EDUCAUSE profile if you do not have one. If you would like to change any preferences listed above but do not wish to create a profile, please email your request to EDUCAUSE Membership at [email protected] or call 303-449-4430.

Removal from all nontransactional EDUCAUSE emails

If you wish not to receive any communications from EDUCAUSE (including newsletters, news announcements, magazine tables of contents, and information about resources, services, and professional development opportunities), except those that pertain directly to transactions you conduct with EDUCAUSE, please send a message to [email protected] with this subject line: REMOVE FROM ALL EMAIL or log in to manage your communications preferences and select "Unsubscribe from all EDUCAUSE email."

Unsubscribing from constituent and discussion group lists

To remove yourself from a constituent or discussion group, select the Join or Leave List option located by the group name on the Constituent and Discussion Groups web page.

How Can You Update Your Personal Information?

Log in to your EDUCAUSE profile to change your:

  • Basic personal information
  • Biographic information
  • Username and password

You can create a personal EDUCAUSE profile if you do not have one. If you would like to change any information listed above but do not wish to create a profile, please email your request to EDUCAUSE Membership at [email protected] or call 303-449-4430.


EDUCAUSE places small files, known as "cookies," onto your computer to collect information about how you browse our website.

Cookies are used to:

  • Measure how you use the website so it can be updated and improved based on your needs
  • Remember the notifications you've seen so that we don't show them to you again
  • Identify you once you've logged in to the site

Cookies are small text files that web servers typically sent to users' computer when they visit a website. Cookies are stored as text files on users' hard drive, and can be accessed by web servers when the user visits a website or views an advertisement. A session cookie is a cookie that stores information as a user is using the Site but is deleted once the browser session is finished. A persistent cookie is a cookie that stores information as a user utilizes the Site and stores and uses that information in connection with future visits of the user to the Site. Third-party cookies and/or web beacons are cookies or web beacons provided by our technology and/or advertising partners. Any third-party cookie or web beacon that we authorize for use on the Site only collects that information described below for the same stated purposes as if we were directly collecting the information. For a third-party cookie or web beacon, the third-party will have access to the collected information in order to provide us with information or services to enhance the performance and functionality of the Site.

You can find out how to manage or disable cookies at

How We Use Cookies

Measuring website usage (Google Analytics)

We use Google Analytics to collect information about how people use our website. We do this to make sure it is meeting your needs and to investigate ways to improve your experience. You can opt out of Google Analytics tracking.

Google Analytics stores information about:

  • The pages you visit
  • How long you spend on each page
  • How you got to the site
  • What you click on while you're there

We do not collect or store your personal data (e.g., your name or address), so this information cannot be used to identify who you are.

Measuring website usage (Siteimprove)

We use Siteimprove to collect information about how people use our website. We use Siteimprove to keep track of pages with broken links and identify potential accessibility improvements.

Siteimprove stores information about:

  • The pages you visit
  • Broken links you click
  • Where you visited next

We do not collect or store your personal data (e.g., your name or address), so this information cannot be used to identify who you are.

Measuring website usage (Selligent Marketing Cloud)

We use our email marketing system, Selligent Marketing Cloud, to deploy a cookie when you interact with a marketing communication, such as a marketing email, to collect information about website usage.

Selligent stores information about:

  • Your email
  • Which pages you visited
  • Your history arriving at our website

We use this information to evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns and personalize your experience by recommending relevant EDUCAUSE programs and services to you.

Measuring website usage (LeadsRx)

We use LeadsRx marketing attribution, a web analytic service whose privacy policy is available at LeadsRx uses "cookies" and other heuristics such as IP address, device type, and browser, to help us track visits to our website. The information gathered is used to help us improve our marketing efforts and understand how members are acquired. This information is not sold or shared, and you have the right to request a copy of the information collected about you or to request this information be deleted. Additional information can be found on the LeadsRx website at

LeadsRx stores information about:

  • Which pages you visited
  • Your history arriving at our website
  • Your EDUCAUSE profile email address

Measuring website usage (Feathr)

We use Feathr cookies to understand users' browsing and buying activities so that we can measure the success of online advertising campaigns we run on the Site. Our Site also uses web beacons (either directly or from our partners), along with cookies, to determine if a user has visited a particular website. These beacons aid in providing more relevant advertising to the user, as well measuring the success of an advertising campaign, but provide no personally identifiable information.

The cookies and web beacons we use collect non-personally identifiable information about users of the Site, including: browser used to access the site, date and time, the URL of the page being loaded, users who have visited a particular website(s), any previously assigned cookie identification (a unique identifier assigned to a user to identify repeat visitors), browser window size, the geographic location of the user, device and operating system used to access the Site. The information we collect from these cookies and web beacons is used to determine information about a user's visit to our Site, including the number of visits, average time spent, pages viewed, navigation history through the website, and other statistics. This information is used to enhance the users experience while visiting our Site and to improve the performance of our Site by, among other things, allowing us to monitor Site performance, making the Site easier to use, measuring the effectiveness of promotional placements, and tailoring the Site (including the ads and offers a user receives) to better match a user's interests and preferences.

Doubleclick for Publishers (DFP)

We use Doubleclick for Publishers (DFP), by Google, to display ads in EDUCAUSE Review, the library, and the career center. DFP uses cookies to improve reporting on campaign performance and to avoid showing ads the user has already seen. Cookies themselves contain no personally identifiable information. Depending on the publisher's and user's settings, information associated with cookies used in advertising may be added to the user's Google account.

EDUCAUSE reviews and updates this list on a regular basis. To report any potential issues, please contact [email protected] or call (303) 449-4430.