EDUCAUSE Quarterly Magazine, Volume 27, Number 3, 2004

min read
What’s in a Name?
The labels associated with security—computer, network, information, information assurance—have multiple implications for higher education
By Rodney Petersen with Ronald Larsen, Corey Schou, and Lee Strickland
Miracle or Menace: Teaching and Learning with Laptop Computers in the Classroom
A study of integrating laptops into classroom instruction found statistically significant improvements in student learning
By James Efaw, Scott Hampton, Silas Martinez, and Scott Smith
Adopting Digital Technologies in the Classroom: 10 Assessment Questions
Answering 10 questions will help guide faculty in adopting digital technology for the classroom
By David J. Staley
The Importance of Policies in E-Learning Instruction
Thoughtful policies on topics such as e-mail, electronic discussions, and intellectual property rights can keep an e-learning course running smoothly
By Shirley Waterhouse and Rodney O. Rogers
Engaging an IT Consultant for Your Campus:
Guidelines for the President
Using a consultant effectively can be tricky—but well worth the effort
By Linda Fleit and Brian Hawkins
Attracting Women to Technical Professions
Women remain underrepresented in the technical professions, and attracting them to those careers remains a challenge
By Joanne Kossuth and Tracey Leger-Hornby
Toward A Virus-Free Campus
Temple University’s IT staff created a campus-wide culture of awareness to mitigate security threats
By Ariel Silverstone
Development of HDTV Distance Learning Content
With the proper tools and approach, development of instructionally effective video for distance learning is feasible—and affordable
By Carlos Rafael Morales
Capturing and Disseminating What Happens in the Classroom
Capturing classroom interactions without disrupting the class or exceeding tight budgets takes a little planning and the right tools
By Hubert Daugherty, Julie Cohn, and G. Anthony Gorry
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